Our AI and ML projects

House Inspector
Object detection

Cracks and paint damage are classified and localised in a live video feed using an object detection (SSD) model. Trained and then embedded in a working iOS app with AI functionality.

a picture of house damage being detected by ai
a picture of house damage being detected by ai
Emoji prediction
Text classification

Django app using an Recurrent neural network (LTSM) with word embeddings to classify text to select the appropriate emoji.

eggshells with smiley faces and eyes
eggshells with smiley faces and eyes
Melanoma classification
Kaggle silver medal

Used EfficientNet CNN models and tensorflow to detect lesions in patient images.

Entity recognition
Dataset identifier

Kaggle competition (silver medal winner) to use natural language processing (NLP) to automate the discovery of how scientific data are referenced in publications.

a circular diagram of a network of connected concepts derived by AI
a circular diagram of a network of connected concepts derived by AI